No matter how meticulously you manage your property, all kinds of problems are bound to pop up from time to time. Keeping your clients happy and satisfied is not an easy feat, so you have to respond to their requests in a timely matter to keep your relationship on good terms. How you handle those problems will show your clients whether you care about them or not. Here you can find a few common complaints that everyone faces once in a while and some tips on how to handle them the right way.
Repair problems
As time goes by, some things naturally stop functioning, and they need to get repaired. Even if you maintain your property in a really good state, something will eventually malfunction. You should check the property for any possible issues before your tenants move in, so you don’t face any unpleasantries as soon as they arrive. Make sure that they know what problems are their responsibility and what problems are yours. They should be able to contact you if there’s an urgent matter to handle, and you should make sure to let them know when you’ll be able to resolve the problem.
Clogged drains
Some tenants are just not attentive enough, and they let hair, food, or some small items clog the drain. In most cases, these problems are easily cleared, although there are instances when you have to call for some additional pair of hands. Australians who hire an expert plumber in Northern Beaches are satisfied with their services, as they give them an easy solution to all of their plumbing and gas issues. You can find a good plumber anywhere in the world, but the easiest solution would be to prevent those problems from happening by paying more attention and taking some simple precautionary measures.
HVAC system issues
Heating, ventilation and air conditioning should be in perfect condition if you want your tenants to enjoy their new home. The two main problems that could occur are related to the heating unit and the control network. Checking the thermostat, replacing the batteries and changing the filters are all simple tasks that could be done by anyone, but you can always call for help if you’re not confident in your skills. The tenants should also make sure to keep everything in order, so you can share the responsibility and come to an agreement about who’s going to take care of the maintenance and when.
Roof leaks
Your roofs can start leaking for various reasons, and you should fix the problem as soon as possible to avoid any additional damage to your property. Over time, the material can weaken, which makes it easier for water to find its way in. Harsh weather or sunlight can also lead to its deterioration. Cracks in roof vents and excess moisture can also lead to leaks. If you suspect that the roof is getting weaker, you should repair it on time to avoid these kinds of unpleasantries. It can damage the wall paint, so you’ll have to hire professionals to repaint them. If the water destroys some of your tenants’ appliances, such as a laptop, you might have to reimburse them.
Noisy neighbours
Handling noise complaints are one of the most difficult issues you could face. First, you have to talk to the tenant who made the complaint and think about your next steps from there. You can ask your tenant to talk to their neighbours, and if that doesn’t go according to the plan, you have to step in and come to an agreement with them. Your course of action depends on many factors. Is it the first time it happened? How long did it last? What time did it occur at? Did other people complain about the same thing? There are many solutions based on these factors, and you should trust your judgment when handling this issue.
The most important thing for handling your tenants’ complaints is to respond to their needs in a timely manner and be available for them at most times. Having them trust you will help you avoid any misunderstandings and possible issues from occurring.